JOB SATISFACTION: Wages and Contractualization

October 09, 2019

By: Abby N. Amistoso & Nina Isabel S. Santos 

The current drive against flexible work arrangements like outsourcing, project employment, and fixed-term jobs, are "killing" job opportunities.Our petition aims to help  Filipino workers to have a regular job.

It is commonly believed that mandating higher legal minimum wages is needed to help the poor earn a level of income that would allow them healthy and dignified lives. Whereas, majority of the employees, mostly the contractual use their own time to work. According to the law, an employee or a worker who has been working for a company for six (6) months should be regularized unless the individual is not qualified to be a regular employee. We want to get support and  receive the benefits for our hardworking workers. Companies should help our Filipino workers to earn a lot from their grueling work, appreciate their loyalty, and allow them to be regularized in their work. This is a wake up call for everyone to the unfolding truth here in our society, let us help our employees to have the chance to experience the privileges that were not given to them by signing this petition.

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