Equity: Give everyone what they need to be successful.

October 09, 2019

By: Alessandra L. Causapin and Ma. Rowena Lorrence A. Lising

We fight for the equality that other people can’t obtain due to their disabilities and conditions. Treating people the same or equally isn't the solution to the problem of being an “outcast”, an “outsider” or a “special case”. We strive to promote equity more and not just equality because even though they are both strategies that we can use in an effort to produce fairness, they are different. Equality is treating everyone the same while equity is giving everyone what they need to become successful.Treating everyone exactly the same actually is not fair. What equal treatment does do is erase our differences and promote privilege. (Sun, 2014). 
In everyday life we can see the difference between equality and equity. People in wheelchairs usually struggle to buy things in stores because some counters are too high, motion sensors on doors don't sense them since they are short, some wheelchair ramps are too steep and parking spots for PWDs are sometimes used by motors. We do treat them as equal individuals but this is not enough, there are advanced technologies that help PWDs but we don't see the struggle of these individuals when they use these because they are forced to be stopped by small inconveniences. 
Our main objective is to provide for the needs of persons with disabilities and people with special needs. We would like to provide for the lack of advanced mechanisms to support exceptional talent that these people have to enable them to reach their full capacity. Through this we would also want to solve the issue of the deprivation of job opportunities for PWDs due to their special needs or disabilities.
We all must give equal chances to everyone and provide their needs to become successful. We care for everyone and we want everyone to succeed and for this to happen we need change. Join us as we promote equity and fairness. #EquityNow
Sun, A.(2014). Equality Is Not Enough: What the Classroom Has Taught Me About Justice. Retrieved from: https://everydayfeminism.com/2014/09/equality-is-not-enough/

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