Plastic Pollution: Its upshots and culminations

October 09, 2019

By: Camille Diesta and Aira Sato

This campaign will mainly focus on plastic pollution. The usage of plastic in our environment has increased over the past few years. Humans have been dependent on plastic, now, we are surrounded by them. Humans are already in the beginning of mass extinction and plastic is one of the reasons why this is happening. Plastic is a toxic material existing in our world today. 

It is a material made to last forever, yet 33 percent of all plastic - water bottles, bags and straws - are used just once and thrown away and cannot be biodegradable. It's important to avoid plastic pollution than to have a resolution about it. We are also the one who would benefit from this if the problem has been resolved. 

If we really want a change, we should start it with ourselves. We should learn how to throw our trash properly, there's always a right place to place your trash at. Also, as much as possible, we should avoid using plastics and use their alternatives because even from that act, we could avoid the pollution of these plastics. Being aware and part of the plastic pollution is a big step and a big help that's why we encourage people to continue campaigning about plastic pollution. Please sign our petition.

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