Cyberbullying and its Effects on Human Rights

October 09, 2019

By: Rachelle Ann F. Nillusguin and Angelyn D. Valencia

Our advocacy is about Cyberbullying. Since this is a wide problem and issue to our society. Especially we are now in the technology era. According to the report of DepEd or Department of Education, bullying cases on elementary and high school in both public and private schools. Also, according to General Oscar Albayalde, chief of the Philippine National Police (PNP) that they encourage parents and students to go to the nearest police station in their communities to file their criticism referring to the issue of cyberbullying and other internet-related crime if they do no longer desire to go to Camp Crame. The problem that we want to solve is how to lessen or to prevent cyberbullying case in school or other places. Now, as a concerned citizen. To stop bullying you must the first to stop the cyberbullying that exists in our countries. 

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