Sex Education: Combatting Teenage Pregnancy and Overpopulation

October 02, 2019

By: Samantha Mendioro and Angela Tiamzon

There is a high percentage of early child birth in the Philippines and this is one of the reasons why there is a high population growth in the country every year and a high percentage of poverty as well. We have come up with a petition to have an inclusive sex education to solve these kinds of social problems that affects the whole. 

We think that when we will have an adequate sex education, we will have a good application of RA 10354 or The Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health Act of 2012 because this law guarantees to have accessible contraceptives, sex educations, maternal care, fertility control and family planning. By these, we can solve a lot of social issues that we are facing for a long time now. 

With sex education, adolescents will become more aware and responsible for their actions, making more rational decisions throughout their teenage lives. Limiting teenage pregnancy and undergraduates in the Philippines. Sex education also covers cognitive, emotional, physical and social aspects of sexuality that is scientific, age and developmentally appropriate, culturally and gender-responsive, and with rights-based approach, which also helps the youth to promote for gender equality and gender empowerment. 

This petition will also help the teenagers and the people who are planning to build a family to know that sex that is something adults do, adults who can manage the consequence of sexual behavior. And to have values of self-respect, respect for others, regardless of who they are, regardless of their bodies and sexual behavior, no judgement and a positive attitude towards sexuality.

Please sign our petition to help our country to surpass poverty and overpopulation, the predominant issues in the Philippines. Please help us to make a change. Please help us combat the high percentage of teenage pregnancy and undergraduates, helping the adolescents to live a better life. We hope that this petition will reach the Department of Education and Commission on Higher Education, as well as the Department of Health. 

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