Stop Animal Testing for Experiments

October 09, 2019

By: Renée Fernandez

According to PETA, animal testing for products has nowhere in this world to go and about 90% of this kind of testing fails. All though the products are a success when tested on animals, it would often fail once on humans. Most animals used for experiments are rabbits, mice, fish, dogs, cats, and sometimes monkeys and chimpanzees. Plus, it does not prove anything since the genetic built of these animals are very far from humans. Have you ever been curious on how the companies do the process on them? According to Humane Society International, they would often force the animals to be exposed to chemicals through oral force-feeding, forced inhalation, skin or injection to their abdomen, muscles, etc. Exposure to harsh chemicals would cause them not only physical but also psychological distress to animals. This can also give them infectious diseases that may cause illness, pain, or even death. Some companies also deprive the animals from food and water, and give them wounds, burns, or other injuries just to study how they heal. In this type of generation, technologies would be more advanced when compared to before and there are absolutely lots of alternatives that does not need to involve animals for experimenting of products FOR HUMANS. Some companies that test on animals for makeup experiments are Maybelline, Revlon, L'oreal, Avon, Estée Lauder, MAC, Benefit, Lancóme, etc. Makeup products that are produced in China are automatically animal tested unless stated because it is required for the companies to test on animals based on China's laws. Just imagine your pet being forced to intake chemicals in their body and being deprived of food and water! Horrible. You can help stop animal testing not by just signing this petition, but by stopping to purchase their products. There are lots of good makeup products that are cruelty free that can be used as alternatives. To know if a product is cruelty free, it is written at the back of the item or where the ingredients are written, and look for cruelty free or not tested on animals. Looking it up on the internet can be done as well (make sure that your sources are credible!). What are you waiting for? Sign the petition now!

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