Child Labor in the Philippines

October 10, 2019

  By: Carol Joy P. Guingona and Sam Georgette D. Alday

Child labor is work that deprives children of their childhood, potential, and dignity. And harms them from their physical and mental being. In the Philippines, there are 2.1 million child laborers aged 5-17 years old (based on the 2011 Survey on Children). About 95% of these children are in hazardous work, 69% of them are aged 15-17. 

In 2018, the Philippines made moderate advancements in efforts to eliminate the worst forms of child labor. The government issued a nationwide profiling of child laborers and issued Administrative Order No. 142-18, to harmonize the process of removing children from labor and referring them to appropriate services. 

Though the government made advancements, we still need to permanently eliminate child labor. At the Republic Act No. 7610, the law here states that it protects the children’s rights rights but the problem here is that even if there’s a law implemented about the children’s rights, child labor happens because it always falls down with the parental dysfunction which is why it’s important that whether you are rich or penniless as a parent, it's important that they nurture the spiritual and emotional resources to help teach the children to take active roles in the community and help them realize their full potential. Main point is, the legislation has failed and the ones being implemented hasn't found an alternative way on how to solve the problem about child labor. 

Kindly please help us by signing a petition in our campaign which is child labor because violating the rights of the children is a presumptuous act and every child deserves to get the education that they need in order to help make this world a better place where negativities wouldn’t manifest but rather the silver lining in it.  

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