Proper Garbage Disposal

October 02, 2019

By: Maria Sophia T. Javier and Alyssa P. Odulio

First of all, we would love to receive your full support in this petition about the proper segregation of waste. The reason why we want you to participate in this is because we want to be able to spread awareness to all. One of the problems we are facing may result to a permanent outcome which is contaminated environment. In addition, we think that we can still save our beloved earth if we teach the youth to dispose garbage accordingly. These negative events happen because we lack of discipline. Although recently some areas are clean yet there are still places that still needs a huge improvement when it comes to cleanliness. 

In our campaign, the participation of the whole country is expected if we want to make a difference in our environment. Our environment is in desperate need of attention, due to the countless reasons that are caused by humans; us. We also want to be able to spread that one person’s proper disposal of trash is beyond credible. 

What we aim is similar to the “Manila Bay Clean Up Program” which was held by the DENR last 2016. Our project will be done by assigning schools to a particular day in cleaning one barangay to another. In this project, the youth will be the main focus. Because we want to open their minds at an early stage of life, so that they would be able to voice out to the next generation. 

We hope that you support and be devoted in this campaign not only for our benefit but also for the betterment of our home planet. 

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